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28 Day Natural Born Runner Blueprint

  • 9 Steps


We have deconditioned our bodies through a sedentary lifestyle, ill fitting shoes and general immobility. With the right support and training, you can reclaim the most natural and efficient way of moving and running. No need for expensive shoes, no supportive orthotics, no crazy training regimes... just you, your body, and the natural potential you were born with. Unfortunately for must runners, injuries are inevitable because most humans do not move the way our ancestors evolved their running styles. This means inefficiencies occur such as heel striking and over striding... But these inefficiencies are easily mixed with the Natural Born Runner Blueprint. NBR is a 21 day program designed to create awareness, connection, and efficiency within your body... putting you on the correct path away from injuries... so that you can discover the natural high that running can provide,

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28 Day Natural Born Runner Blueprint

28 Day Natural Born Runner Blueprint

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